Section: Research Program

Interactions of Micro- and Macroscopic Scales and Simulations

Statistical Physics, Homogenization, Asymptotic Preserving Schemes

Homogenization methods

Homogenization methods aim at replacing a PDE with highly oscillatory coefficients by an effective PDE with smoother coefficients, whose solution captures the averaged behavior of the true oscillatory solution. The effective determination of the homogenized PDE is however not trivial (especially in the nonlinear or/and stochastic cases). Numerical approximations of the solution of the homogenized PDE is the heart of numerical homogenization.

Homogenization methods are used in many application fields. The two applications we are specifically interested in are material sciences (in particular the determination of macroscopic constitutive laws for rubber starting from polymer-chain networks) and nuclear waste storage (in particular the evolution of nuclear wastes in complex storage devices).

The team in interested in qualitative as well as quantitative results, and theoretical as well as numerical results. Challenging questions are mainly related to nonlinear problems (nonlinear elasticity for instance) and stochastic problems (especially regarding quantitative results).

Statistical physics: dynamical friction, fluctuations and approach to equilibrium

In models of charge transport, say transport of electrons, a phenomenological friction force is generally introduced, which is proportional to the velocity v. The dissipation induced by such a term is essential for the description of phenomena such as Ohm's law and approach to equilibrium. Our idea is to go back to a microscopic framework, with a description of the energy exchanges between the electrons and the surrounding medium which is the ultimate source of the dissipation of energy by the medium and of an effective friction force. We have shown numerically and argued theoretically that the balance between the fluctuations and the dissipation by the medium drives the particle to thermal equilibrium. The goal is now to provide rigorous proof of this statement. As a first step in this program, results will be obtained in an appropriate weak coupling limit. This program requires efforts in modelling, probability and analysis, but the questions are also really challenging for numerics, due, notably, to the large number of degrees of freedom involved in the equation. The subject is at the heart of the PhD work of É. Soret, now in her third year as a PhD student.

Cold Atoms

In the framework of the Labex CEMPI, C. Besse, S. De Bièvre and G. Dujardin are working, in collaboration with J.-C. Garreau and the cold-atom team at PhLAM, on the mathematical analysis and the numerical simulation of kicked rotor systems. Such systems are experimentally realized at PhLAM. A triple goal is being pursued: understand the effect of non-linearities on dynamical localization, understand dynamical localization in systems other than kicked rotors, and exploring the limits of the analogy between kicked systems and the Anderson model.